Welcome to the Data Coordination Center (DCC) for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund supported Integrative Human Microbiome Project (iHMP).
The overall mission of the HMP is to generate resources to facilitate characterization of the human microbiota to further our understanding of how the microbiome impacts human health and disease. We are currently in the second phase of the HMP. In this phase, the iHMP will create integrated longitudinal datasets from both the microbiome and host from three different cohort studies of microbiome-associated conditions using multiple ‘omics technologies. Each of these study groups has engaged in providing new computational tools and integrative molecular perspectives on microbial activity during dysbiosis. As a result of creating these multi’omic data resources, the iHMP has opened up new opportunities for data integration in the human microbiome.
This site provides a common repository for diverse human microbiome datasets and minimum reporting standards established by the DCC, from both the initial HMP-1 phase and iHMP, providing researchers with the ability to query and retrieve metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, human genetic, microbial culture, and many other data types from each project.
For more about project-specific multi’omic integration resources, please see the iHMP Data Model or the respective iHMP project pages:

Pregnancy & Preterm Birth
The Vaginal Microbiome Consortium team at Virginia Commonwealth University is conducting the Multi-Omic Microbiome Study: Pregnancy Initiative (MOMS-PI) in collaboration with the Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth (GAPPS) at Seattle Children's to better understand how microbiome and host profiles change throughout pregnancy and influence the establishment of the nascent microbiome in neonates.

Onset of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Multi'omics Data (IBDMDB) research team, led by Ramnik Xavier and Curtis Huttenhower, is a multi-institutional effort to understand how the human gut microbiome changes over time in adults and children with IBD. It has been repeatedly linked to the overall ecology of the human gut microbial ecosystem, including community diversity, a range of microbial enrichments and depletions, and dysbioses in microbial metabolic activities.

Onset of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a significant health problem facing our nation. In a collaborative effort to systematically understand diabetes and its etiology, the team is comprised of leading experts in research on both the human host as well as the microbiome, as properties of both are likely relevant in T2D development. For a better elucidation of mechanisms of onset and progression of T2D disease, the group is performing a detailed analysis of the biological processes that occur in the microbiome and human host by longitudinal profiling of patients at risk for T2D.